Ja sam svoje točkice sa papira pretvorila u točke na materijalu i sašila si divnu haljinu.
Zapravo trebala je biti sasvim drugačija ali kad sam ugledala na jednoj našoj pjevačici tu haljinu znala sam da ju moram sebi sašiti. I tako je i bilo.
Kasnije kad sam guglala čija je to kreacija vidjela sam da je to Dolce gabanna i pomislila sam eto ne nosim njih vec malushvelju.
Mislim da nitko neće primjetiti razliku, a i moram priznati da dosta dobra izgleda ta moja 'kopija'.
Za ovaj kroj sam upotrijebila osnovni kroj za haljinu sa debljim naramenicama samo sam napravila par preinaka. Produžila sam naramenice dovoljno dugo da mogu zavezati mašnu s obzirom da je moj plan bio sasvim drugačija haljina nisam uzela dovoljno materijala tj,haljina mi je bila prekratka pa sam odlučila kupiti još malo tkanine i napraviti volan.
Materijal je pamuk jako je ugodan za nositi.
Evo i kroja,ako se želite i sami okusiti u šivanju:
English version:
Dots, dots,dots, when I was a little kid I could draw anything by them, so I decided to turn them into my dress. All summer I wanted dress with dots, so when I buy this fabric I whas very happy.
Actually thid dress supposed to be completely different but when I saw on one of our singer this dress I knew I would sew this dress for myself. And so it was.
Later, when I googled whose creation it I saw that it was Dolce and Gabanna and I thought I am not wearing them but I wear malushvelju.
I do not think anyone will notice the difference, and I have to admit that this "my copy" looks pretty good.
For this cut I used the basic cut of a dress with thicker straps but I made a few changes.
I exted the shoulder straps long enough to tie a bow.
Since my plan was quite different dress didn't buy enough material, my dress was too short so I decided to buy some more fabric and make the peplum.
The material is cotton very comfortable to wear.
This is pattern if you wanna try yourself to sew:
Mislim da nitko neće primjetiti razliku, a i moram priznati da dosta dobra izgleda ta moja 'kopija'.
Za ovaj kroj sam upotrijebila osnovni kroj za haljinu sa debljim naramenicama samo sam napravila par preinaka. Produžila sam naramenice dovoljno dugo da mogu zavezati mašnu s obzirom da je moj plan bio sasvim drugačija haljina nisam uzela dovoljno materijala tj,haljina mi je bila prekratka pa sam odlučila kupiti još malo tkanine i napraviti volan.
Materijal je pamuk jako je ugodan za nositi.
Evo i kroja,ako se želite i sami okusiti u šivanju:
English version:
Dots, dots,dots, when I was a little kid I could draw anything by them, so I decided to turn them into my dress. All summer I wanted dress with dots, so when I buy this fabric I whas very happy.
Actually thid dress supposed to be completely different but when I saw on one of our singer this dress I knew I would sew this dress for myself. And so it was.
Later, when I googled whose creation it I saw that it was Dolce and Gabanna and I thought I am not wearing them but I wear malushvelju.
I do not think anyone will notice the difference, and I have to admit that this "my copy" looks pretty good.
For this cut I used the basic cut of a dress with thicker straps but I made a few changes.
I exted the shoulder straps long enough to tie a bow.
Since my plan was quite different dress didn't buy enough material, my dress was too short so I decided to buy some more fabric and make the peplum.
The material is cotton very comfortable to wear.
This is pattern if you wanna try yourself to sew:
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