Najčešće (kao što možete vidjeti ako me pratite) šivam haljine i suknje to mi je najdraže. Zapravo šivam ono što ja volim nositi, nisam od onih osoba što šiva sve univerzalno jer mislim da je svaka osoba za sebe i ne stoji svima sve, koliko god to bilo moderno. Zato sam ja osoba koja Vas izmjeri, posluša i napravi onako kako ste si zamislili,možda ponekad dam neki savjet ili svoje mišljenje kako bi možda bilo najbolje, ali to je zaista rijetko...ja sam kao Vaša osobna “švelja”i zaista uživam u tome.
I tako je došla do mene moja frendica sa slikom i rekla ja zelim ovu majicu, donijela svoju staru i rekla eto po njoj sve radi. Nisam imala niti mogućnost da joj kažem ali ja ti ne šivam majice. Nego samo ok,javim kad je prva proba. I tako sam ja njoj sašila majicu i moram priznati oduševilo me da sam odlučila i sebi sašiti.
Ostalo mi je materijala od šivanje neke haljine i krenula i sebi šivati majicu.
Koja je ispala super. Ja ostatke materijala nikada ne bacam, prije sam čuvala, a od nedavno dajem jednoj mami da nosi u vrtić da klinci se mogu s time igrati, tko zna možda netko i zavoli šivanje.
Ovo mi je prijateljica zapravo sestra od prijateljice kojoj sam šivala ovu majicu, bijeli dio je od scuba materijala a karirani dio je obični lagani pamuk.
Karirani oamuk je moram priznati ove godine postao jako popularan.
A ovo sam ja, moja je zimska varijanta. 3/4 rukavi, crni dio je malo deblji mako, a karirani dio je isto malo puniji pamuk, za toplije dane.
Eto, nemoj te nikada bacati ostatke materijala jer uvijek se nešto može iskoristiti i sašiti ovako fora majica.
English version:
I like to sew for myself, but somehow I like and sew on others, I'm happy with their smile on their face, their ideas.
Most often (as you can see if you follow me)I sew dresses and skirts, they are my favorite projects to sew.
Actually, I'm stitching what I like to wear, I'm not one of those people who sews everything universally, because I think every person is for themselves, no matter how modern it is.
That is why I'm the person who measured you, listened to and made the way you thought it might be, maybe sometimes give you some advice or my opinion that it might be the best, but that's really rare ... I'm like your personal dressmaker and I really enjoy it..
And my friend come to me with the picture and said I want this shirt, brought her old and told me her this is my old shirt sew a new one.
I did not even have the opportunity to tell her that I dont sew shirts.
But just ok, I will call when the first rehearsal will be.
And so I made her shirt and I must admit I was thrilled how I sew, so I decided to sew myself one.
I have remains of material from sewing some dress and I used it for shirt.Which went off great. I always keept remains of material and recently I give one mum to wear in kindergarten that kids can play with it, who knows maybe someone will fall in love with sewing.
First picture is my friend and her shirt. White material is scuba, and tartan white and red is tin cotton. Material who was very popular this summer.
Second picture is my shirt, my shirt is for cold weather, 3/4 sleevs, mako material and
thicker tartan material.
So my advice do not ever throw away remains of material, because you can always sew somethin, like this cool shirt.
I like to sew for myself, but somehow I like and sew on others, I'm happy with their smile on their face, their ideas.
Most often (as you can see if you follow me)I sew dresses and skirts, they are my favorite projects to sew.
Actually, I'm stitching what I like to wear, I'm not one of those people who sews everything universally, because I think every person is for themselves, no matter how modern it is.
That is why I'm the person who measured you, listened to and made the way you thought it might be, maybe sometimes give you some advice or my opinion that it might be the best, but that's really rare ... I'm like your personal dressmaker and I really enjoy it..
And my friend come to me with the picture and said I want this shirt, brought her old and told me her this is my old shirt sew a new one.
I did not even have the opportunity to tell her that I dont sew shirts.
But just ok, I will call when the first rehearsal will be.
And so I made her shirt and I must admit I was thrilled how I sew, so I decided to sew myself one.
I have remains of material from sewing some dress and I used it for shirt.Which went off great. I always keept remains of material and recently I give one mum to wear in kindergarten that kids can play with it, who knows maybe someone will fall in love with sewing.
First picture is my friend and her shirt. White material is scuba, and tartan white and red is tin cotton. Material who was very popular this summer.
Second picture is my shirt, my shirt is for cold weather, 3/4 sleevs, mako material and
thicker tartan material.
So my advice do not ever throw away remains of material, because you can always sew somethin, like this cool shirt.
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