srijeda, 9. kolovoza 2017.

Drugi dio rođendana

Rođendan...ajme kao da je bio prije sto godina, zapravo će uskoro stići i  novi,a ja tek sad pišem o svom rođendanskom poklonu. Zaista ne stignem,koliko god to smiješno zvučalo, ali sjesti za kompjutor i pisati, za to zaista nemam vremena.
Ali nije samo u vremenu bio problem, drugi dio rođendanskog poklona sam tek nedavno sašila.
Mali podsjetnik prvi dio je bila ona predivna zmijsko plava suknja, a drugi dio poklona je bila ona cvjetna tkanina. Problem je bio što nisam znala kakvu da haljinu sašijem zato  mi je tako dugo i stajala. Prvi plan je bio suknju punog kruga,ali nisam baš imala dovoljno materijala, onda sam htjela usku pa za to mi je bila nekako previše cvjetna i onda sam našla odličan kroj i odlučila sam se za njega. Volim haljine sa golim leđima, pogotovo kad su naprijed zatvorene, a leđa gola..nekako daju neku čar. Ovaj materijal je bio nekako stvoren za nju,mislim da ćete se i vi složiti samnom.

Ako poželite sašiti ovakvu haljinu kroj možete naći na burdastyle link:

English version:

My birthday ... as it was a hundred years ago,  soon will  new will come, and I'm just writing about my birthday present.
 No matter how ridiculous it sounds, but sit for a computer and write, I really do not have time for that, I'm sorry I promise to write regularly.
But it was not only in the time that it was a problem,  the second part of the birthday present I just recently sew
A small reminder of the first part was the beautiful blue skirt , and the second part of the gift was the floral fabric.
The problem was that I did not know what to sew.
 The first plan was a full circle skirt, but I did not have enough material, then I wanted a tight dress, but it was somehow too floral, and then I found an excellent pattern and I decided for it.
I like dresses with bare back, especially when they are closed in the front, and the back is open... somehow they give some charm.
This material is somehow made for such a dress type.
 I think you will agree with me too.

If you wanna this pattern go on burdastyle, this is a link fot that pattern:

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