srijeda, 9. kolovoza 2017.

Ljeto savršeno za jednu, dvije, tri.......haljine

Ljeto....dugo očekivano ljeto i prva rečenica svima ajme što je vruće, nije prije bilo tako vruće.....i tako u krug,ali nema veze. Glavno da je došlo. Prve zrake sunca su odmah u meni probudile želju za novim haljinama i moram priznati tek je ljeto počelo,a ja već imam nekoliko novih haljina.

Kao što ste mogli vidjeti ja sam vrlo jednostavna cura tako da volim i jednostavne krojeve. 
Pogotovo ljeto, kada ima za kupiti toliko laganih materijala stvorenih za ljetne vrućine.
Najviše ljeti volim haljine, navučeš jednu stvar preko glave i vec si cijeli obučen. 
Našla sam na burdi jedan divan jednostavan kroj i po njemu sam sve šivala, neke su sa rukavima neke su bez rukava. Meni najdraže haljine su uske, volim kad me stisnu nekako se onda osjećam sigurno,koliko god to čudno zvučalo. Ali moram priznati i ovaj kroj sa gumom me isto oduševio,jedeš koliko hoćeš i ništa se ne vidi.
Da ja pređem na stvar....nema smisla da vas držim u krenimo nekako od prve koje sam sašila

Kao što sam rekla jako volim haljine, a pogotovo ljetne koje su gotove za par sati.
Moj godišnji je brzo prošao, nadam se da vi uživate u svome....

English version;

Summer .... a long-awaited summer, and its hot outside, but it does not matter. Mainly that came. The first rays of the sun woke me in the wake of new dresses and I have to admit that only the summer started, and I already have several new dresses.
As you can see I am a very simple girl, so I like the simple patterns.
Especially in the summer when it comes to buying so many lightweight materials created for summer heat.
Most of the summer I like dresses, you put one thing over your head and you're already dressed.
I found a wonderful simple pattern on the burdastyle, and I sew several dresses, some with sleeves some sleeveless.
 My favorite dresses are tight, I like to cling to somehow then I feel safe, no matter how strange it sounds. But I have to admit that this tricycle with me gummed me as well, eat as much as you want and nothing can be seen.
I am getting to the point .... it makes no sense to keep you in suspense ... so let's begin with  first I sewed.

As I said, I really like dresses, especially summer dresses,  when you can sew her  in a couple of hours.
My vacation has passed fast, I hope you enjoy yours ....

2 komentara:

  1. Hi! What pattern did u use for the second dress? Really love your dresses!! Congrats!

    1. I'm glad that you like my dresses.
      The pattern is the same for all the dresses, I just I changed a bit. I took pattern from Burdastyle this is link for it
