To je moja prijateljica, prava kopija Minnie, a možda je ona i original :)
Već ste ju mogli upoznati u mojim postovima, jer jako često šivam za nju.
Jednog dana kad ovo postane daleko ozbiljnije i stvarnije mislim da će ona biti prava na mojoj pisti, do tada ćete ju i dalje gledati virtualno.
Vratimo se mi na šivanje...ovaj post je posvećen točkicama, točkice koje su totalno in ove godine, sve što se prodaje ima na sebi bar malu točku.
Tako je i ona odlučila da svoj ormar upotpuni sa tičkicama, haljina i suknja koje su stvorene za ove ljetne dane.
Suknja se jednostavno šiva, uzima se širina materijala i samo se "nabere" i dobije se efekt sitnih faldi.
Još je ljepše kad je materijal lagan, pa lijepo pada.
Ona voli gumu u struku i gola leđa, tako da ova haljina ima sve što je ona tražila.
Umjesto klasičnih rukava sašila sam joj maleni volan, tek toliko da joj prekrije rame.
Materijal je pamuk sa elastinom, moj osobno najdraži materijal jer koža diše ispod njega ne steže previše i lagano za šivati.
Volim kada ovako jednostavni krojevi i materijali ispadnu tako predivno, to je samo dokaz da je jednostavnost ključ elegancije, a moja prijateljica to jako dobro zna.
English version;
We all know what Minnie looks like, she's always pretty, but this time we have an even more beautiful version of it.
It's my friend, a real copy of Minnie, and maybe she's the original :)
You've already been able to meet her in my posts because I often sew on her.
One day when this becomes far more serious and more realistic, I think she will be first on my runway, until then you will still be watching it virtually.
Let's go back to sewing ... this post is devoted to dots, dots that are totally in this year.
So she decided to complete her closet with dots, dresses and skirts that was created for these summer days.
The skirt is simply to sew, the width of the material is taken and it is only "crimping".
It's even nicer when the material is light, so it's nice to fall.
The dress is not as simple as a skirt with regard to sewing, but it is not complicated either.
She loves rubber at the waist and bare back, so that this dress has everything she asked for.
Instead of a classic sleeve, I tugged her little ruffel just enough to cover her shoulder.
The material is cotton with elastane, my personal favorite material because the skin breathing below and its not too tight, and is easy to sew.
I love when this simple cuts and materials turn out so wonderful, it's just proof that simplicity is the key to elegance, but my friend is very well known.
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