subota, 11. kolovoza 2018.

Malo mašte i stvori se nešto predivno / A little imagination and create something beautiful

Ljeto, prva asocijacija ljeta su mi  haljine visoke temperature i što manje odjeće.
Volim i ljeto jer za njim dolaze i popusti, znači manje novaca više tkanine, a to je za mene prava stavr. U zadnje vrijeme mi se zna dogoditi dok kupujem tkaninu znam točno što ću sašiti i onda dođem doma i skroz nešto drugo napravim. Postala sam dosta odvažna i nekako me nije više strah nešto novoga isprobati. Odrasla sam postala :) bar što se tiče šivanja.
Tako su nastala i ove divne haljine, jer sam bila odvažna i nije da mi treba za sve kroj moram malo više maštu upotrijebiti.
Moram priznati da je dobro ispalo, zapravo odlično.

Namjerno nisam vezicu koristila od tkanine nego sam uzela satensku vrpcu, da malo podigne jednostavnost haljine.
Kroj haljine nisam vadila nego sam ga sama nacrtala.
Pun internet je tog kroja, a i haljina se zaista jednostavno šiva, stvoren je za početnike.

Ova haljina je cijela trebala drugačije ispasti,volan nije uopće bio namjenjen na takav način i dok ju gledam moram priznati da mi je stvarno predivna. Pogotovo leđa, volim gola leđa na haljinama nekako mi daju neku dozu seksipila.

English version:
Summer, the first association is  dresses, high temperatures and less clothing.
I love  summer, because it comes with discounts, means less money more fabrics, and this is a real fit for me.
Lately while I am buying fabric I know exactly what I'm going to do and then I come home and do something else.
I became quite bold and somehow I was no longer afraid of trying something new.
I grew up to become as far as sewing.
That's how these wonderful dresses came, because I was bold and not that I needed all my pattern, I  use a little bit more imagination.
I have to admit that it worked out really great.
First dress; For the ribbon I used a satin ribbon rather then ribbon of fabric ,  so that this simple pattern become  a bit more special. Pattern is from my head.
You can find a lot pattern for this dress, its so easy to sew.

Second dress; This dress should have been completely different, I didnt imagine that I will sewing the ruffel,  and while I look at it I have to admit that it is really beautiful to me.
Especially the back, like bare back dresses somehow give me a dose of sex appeal.

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